How To Create a Facility Maintenance Plan In 10 Easy Steps?

Facility maintenance plan

Every day, some sort of facility issues plague organizations with no or poor maintenance strategy. The maintenance costs skyrocket, asset deterioration accelerates, and both safety and operational efficiency comes down, posing financial and operational challenges to the businesses. The lack of a comprehensive maintenance plan not only jeopardizes physical assets but also undermines organizational resilience, credibility, and long-term sustainability.

As the research paper, A Theoretical Assessment of the Impacts of Poor

Maintenance of Public Infrastructure states concerning public infrastructure states, “Insufficient maintenance and deprived facility management lead to premature decay and non-operational use of public buildings, impacting the economy and reducing the provision of public services,” the quality of maintenance translates to the efficiencies of the facility. While this pertains to public infrastructure, it applies to every infrastructure that follows poor maintenance.

Fortunately, you can prevent these problems by having a solid facility maintenance plan in place. It offers a systematic approach to understanding and organizing the maintenance needs of your facilities and ensures that all aspects of facility maintenance are addressed efficiently and effectively.

We guide you to build this all-inclusive maintenance plan for your facility in the following 10 easy-to-implement steps.

What is Facility Maintenance Plan?

A facility maintenance plan is a strategic and operational document, outlining the processes, activities, and procedures required to ensure that buildings, structures, and other facilities remain in good repair, safe, operational, and efficient over their expected lifespans.

10 Steps to Create a Comprehensive Facility Maintenance Plan

Creating a maintenance plan is a collaborative effort that requires input from facility managers, maintenance staff, and potentially other stakeholders like safety officers and financial planners. It is a living document that must evolve as your facilities and operational change. You can build a full-fledged facility maintenance plan by carrying out these 10 steps:

Step 1: Conduct a Facility Audit

To initiate the facility audit, the first crucial task is to inventory all assets within the facility. Start by cataloging various elements such as HVAC systems, electrical systems, plumbing, machinery, and other critical building systems. Here, maintenance professionals must record each asset’s details, including type, location, model number, serial number, installation date, and warranty information. Make use of asset management software so that the accuracy in the process is maintained.

In the next step, assess the condition of each asset, for which you will carry out thorough inspections, and determine the current state of each asset. Highlighting the signs of wear, damage, or malfunction, the assessment will aid in prioritizing maintenance needs for assets requiring urgent attention due to the severity of their condition and potential impact on operations. By conducting the audit, facility managers gain valuable insights into the state of their assets, and lay the groundwork for an effective maintenance strategy.

Step 2: Define Maintenance Tasks

With the facility audit completed and asset conditions assessed, the next step is to define maintenance tasks. Here, maintenance professionals establish a maintenance process that uses a combination of reactive maintenance and proactive maintenance approaches. As a part of the preventive maintenance process to prevent equipment failures, the maintenance team conducts routine inspections, lubrication, cleaning, and calibration.

Now, in order to promptly address and resolve issues as they arise, corrective maintenance procedures are implemented. Leverage the Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS) potential to use predictive maintenance techniques and draw data-driven insights to anticipate maintenance needs before they escalate into critical failures. So, apart from routine preventive and corrective maintenance approaches, use data-backed maintenance strategies.

The final step deals with maintaining an up-to-date inventory of all facility assets. The inventory should include comprehensive details such as asset condition, maintenance history, and performance indicators. Make use of asset management software to track asset life cycles, maintenance schedules, warranty information, and service records.

Step 3: Prioritize Maintenance Activities

In this phase, the maintenance team thoroughly assesses potential risks posed by each asset to facility operations. The maintenance staff identifies critical systems and sets priorities based on the urgency to prevent significant impacts on facility functionality. It understands the risks associated with each asset so that maintenance priorities can be established effectively right from building services maintenance to facility equipment maintenance.

A critical aspect here is to comply with regulatory standards and requirements. The maintenance team must have a detailed understanding of all required standards so that they develop a maintenance plan that is not only functional from a maintenance perspective but also sustainable and compliant. Finally, the facility must operate within legal and regulatory boundaries.

Step 4: Schedule Maintenance Tasks

The maintenance team should proceed by building a detailed calendar for all maintenance activities. Here, a detailed maintenance calendar is developed, outlining when each task should be performed, and the calendar serves as a roadmap for maintenance activities, so that the tasks are conducted in a timely manner. By scheduling tasks in advance, potential issues can be identified and addressed proactively, which is the first step set for minimizing downtime and disruption to facility operations.

Efficient scheduling also optimizes staffing resources, and makes the right personnel available to carry out maintenance activities when needed. Moreover, scheduling maintenance tasks at the most opportune times helps maximize efficiency and minimize interference with regular facility operations.

Step 5: Allocate Resources

Now that you have developed a schedule and have a plan at your disposal, the next step is to determine the exact requirement of resources to carry out the maintenance tasks. Start by determining budgeting for maintenance tasks and assigning tasks based on staff expertise.

Budgeting is critical for allocating resources for maintenance activities, for which you will calculate and allocate the necessary budget to make available sufficient funds for both routine maintenance and unexpected repairs. This is a collaborative effort where maintenance managers must seek inputs from facility managers, and discuss the plan with maintenance technicians so as to come up with an accurate estimate. A strategic financial plan will always offer an opportunity to allocate resources at the most optimal cost.

Check the maintenance calendar and task technicalities to define resource requirements. Based on these inputs, identify the skills and expertise required for each maintenance task and assign them to staff members accordingly. As the nature of the task will dictate, training and equipping a reliable maintenance team will be crucial for implementing a comprehensive and effective building maintenance plan.

Step 6: Implement the Plan

Before launching the maintenance plan, it’s crucial to ensure that all team members are briefed on the plan and understand their roles and responsibilities. Implementation tools help streamline this process, and aid in the smooth rollout of maintenance activities. By keeping everyone on the same page and clearly outlining the roles, facilities can minimize confusion and maximize efficiency during plan implementation.

The maintenance plan must also maintain open lines of communication for reporting and feedback. Establishing clear channels of communication for reporting issues, requesting maintenance, and sharing updates on maintenance activities. This way, team members can easily report and stay informed about maintenance tasks and schedules, and you will be able to maintain transparency throughout the maintenance process.

Step 7: Implement Health, Safety, and Environmental Protocols

In the building maintenance process, the maintenance team is vulnerable to health and safety risks unless and until the right measures exist. The maintenance management team must enforce safety standards and integrate sustainable practices into maintenance operations.

The process usually starts with development of a set of safety protocols that acts as a guarantee of occupant well-being. Carry out routine safety checks and emergency response procedures covering various aspects such as fire safety, evacuation plans, and the handling of hazardous materials. Leverage capabilities to automate reminders for safety inspections so that no critical check is missed.

Connected with this, integrating sustainability and environmental-friendliness into the facility maintenance plan is essential for minimizing the environmental impact of operations. Rethink how you manage waste and implement recycling programs. Additionally, track energy usage, identify areas where you can bring down the energy usage, and optimize across the facility to contribute to a greener, more sustainable operation, so as to not only reduce costs but also improve your environmental footprint.

Step 8: Develop Performance Metrics and Continuous Improvement Processes

Establishing KPIs is crucial for evaluating the effectiveness of maintenance activities. There must be a mechanism to gauge if your maintenance initiative is yielding positive outcomes. So use KPIs for monitoring maintenance effectiveness and updating plans based on performance analysis.

Metrics, such as maintenance cost per unit produced, response times to maintenance work orders, downtime due to repairs, and cost savings from preventive maintenance, provide real-time insights into maintenance performance. These metrics help offer an opportunity to improve efficiency and effectiveness in maintenance operations through data-driven decisions.

The KPI-based monitoring must be used to regularly review and update maintenance strategies. Maintenance teams must analyze the performance data and identify areas for improvement, and accordingly accommodate necessary changes in the maintenance plan. This is how you would build a maintenance strategy that is comprehensive, efficient, and up-to-date.

Step 9: Emergency Preparedness

No plan is fool-proof and however perfection you may ensure, an unprecedented event can fail it. To make your plan perfect, you must make it capable of dealing with emergencies. An emergency response plan details procedures for various scenarios and maintaining readiness for unexpected events. Especially, in the event of emergencies such as natural disasters, power outages, or major equipment failures, the plan would come in handy.

An emergency maintenance plan must outline the specific procedures and protocols to be followed during emergencies, so that you offer a coordinated and efficient response. Keep organizing emergency drills to accustom your personnel with emergency procedures, so that they calmly handle actual emergencies.

To bolster your emergency strategy, maintain an accessible digital copy of the emergency plan and make it ever accessible by relevant personnel. However, this documentation should be regularly updated to reflect changes in procedures or protocols made from time to time, capturing recent updates on emergencies. This way, you will be able to minimize potential disruptions to operations during critical situations.

Step 10: Documentation and Training

Preserving knowledge and equipping the future team members of your facility maintenance team with it is a key to building a robust building maintenance program. Top management has to develop a comprehensive training program to equip the staff with the necessary knowledge and skills to perform their duties efficiently and safely.

The training programs should cover operational procedures, safety protocols, and emergency response procedures and make your maintenance staff become up-to-date with the latest procedures and protocols. Apart from internal training focussed on addressing certain problems, you must help maintenance technicians to acquire standard certifications so that you build an industry-recognized maintenance team.

To Wrap Up

Maintenance of building services is a driving force behind the functionality, efficiency, and safety of built environments; all you need is a plan. As you read, constructing an effective maintenance plan for your facility demands meticulous attention to detail and adherence to a structured process, which the above discussed steps help achieve.

By systematically prioritizing tasks, allocating resources effectively, and implementing robust training programs, facilities can ensure smooth operation and mitigate risks effectively. Additionally, integrating continuous improvement processes and encouraging open communication channels make the process adaptable and responsive to evolving needs. By keeping these factors in mind, and following the steps we outlined, you will have a robust and resilient facility maintenance plan.